Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Walk in Rain...!!

Thing which happened with me plzz do read::

It was raining,
I was all alone walking thru tat street grossed into deep thoughtsss
forgetting d pain, all ma tensions n everythin in ma lyf...
der was only d sound of Rain hitting d ground, my thoughts n me walking ....
suddenly, I heard a small gal screaming n crying (she must be abt 5-6 yrs old...)
I rushed to check wat really went wrong??
She saw me n approached me cryin n beggin me for some food...??
At d corner of d street, der was a tea stall...
I took her der n fetched her tea n biscuits.
She was reluctant in revealing her name too...?!
But later while sipping her tea,she said her name.. it was "Sameeto ra"
I was like "Sameeto ra" >>??
she corrected me saying ""Sameera""...
d gal was very cute n had her home on footpath :( :(
D Vendor confirmed me tat d gal's parents wer out for work n must've got stuck in rain somewhere...wit tis confirmation
I finally, bid a good-bye to tat sweet little gal with a cute smile on her face.
Thanxx to god ....
U get some moments in life, which becomes absolutely unforgettable n close to our heart forever.
n here d chapter of Sameera n my walk in d rain endss n i get to learn another thing.
""U're not d oly person with heavy heart n loads of problems in dis world.. der r many..it depends how u solve it!!""